
Population Statistics for Andra

Andra is a name for both girls and boys. It is used for girls 51.73 percent of the time, and boys 48.27 percent of the time.
Total* Population in Top 1000: 2714 (48.27% male, 51.73% female) [source]

Popularity of the name Andra for Boys

First Year in the Top 1000: 1959
Last Year in the Top 1000: 1975
Average Age: 56.81
Highest Percentage: 0.006% in 1967
Best Rank: #748 (in 1966)
Represented in the Top 1000 names in: 17 of 127 years (13.39%)
Total* Male Population in Top 1000: 1310

Popularity of the name Andra for Girls

First Year in the Top 1000: 1944
Last Year in the Top 1000: 1972
Average Age: 58.74
Highest Percentage: 0.011% in 1969
Best Rank: #755 (in 1959)
Represented in the Top 1000 names in: 10 of 127 years (7.87%)
Total* Female Population in Top 1000: 1404

Percentage Of Babies Named Andra

Note: Only names in the Top 1000 for each year are represented. [source] Values are normalized for boys and girls to compare trends (vertical scales differ for boys and girls).
Line chart

Age Distribution of Andra

About these totals.

Male Population under 60: 976 (35.96%)
Male Population under 50: 153 (5.64%)
Male Population under 40: 0 (0.00%)
Male Population under 30: 0 (0.00%)
Male Population under 20: 0 (0.00%)
Male Population under 10: 0 (0.00%)
Female Population under 60: 984 (36.26%)
Female Population under 50: 0 (0.00%)
Female Population under 40: 0 (0.00%)
Female Population under 30: 0 (0.00%)
Female Population under 20: 0 (0.00%)

Names Similar to Andra

Similar Male Names

Andrae Andre Andrea Andrew

Fairly Similar Male Names

Andrae Andre Andrea Andrew

Roughly Similar Male Names

Anders Anderson Andrae Andre Andrea Andreas Andres Andrew

Loosely Similar Male Names

Alejandro Alessandro Alexandre Alexandro Andrae Andre Andrea Andreas Andres Andrew Dandre Deandre Deondre Dondre Keandre Kendrick Leandro Lisandro Sandra

Similar Female Names

Andrea Andrew Andria

Fairly Similar Female Names

Andrea Andrew Andria Anitra

Roughly Similar Female Names

Andrea Andrew Andria Anitra

Loosely Similar Female Names

Alejandra Alessandra Alexandr Alexandra Alexandrea Alexandria Alondra Andrea Andrew Andria Casandra Cassandra Cassondra Chandra Deandra Diandra Kasandra Kassandra Kendra Kindra Lakendra Leandra Nedra Sandra Saundra Shandra Sondra Zandra

Anagrams of "Andra"

— None. —

Names Using All Letters of, and Only Letters in "Andra"


Names Using Only Letters In "Andra"

Ada Adan Add Adda Ana Ann Anna Ara Arra Dan Dana Dann Danna Dara Nada Nan Nana Nanna Rand

Names Using All Letters In "Andra"

Adrain Adrian Adriana Adriane Adrianna Adrianne Adrien Adriene Adrienne Adron Alejandra Alejandro Alessandra Alessandro Alexander Alexandr Alexandra Alexandre Alexandrea Alexandria Alexandro Alexzander Alondra Anders Anderson Andrae Andre Andrea Andreas Andres Andrew Andria Arden Arland Armand Armando Arminda Armond Arnold Arnoldo Audriana Audrianna Barnard Benard Bernadette Bernadine Bernard Bernardine Bernardo Bernhard Bertrand Blanchard Braden Bradyn Braeden Braedon Braiden Brandan Brande Brandee Branden Brandi Brandie Brandin Brandon Brandt Brandy Brandyn Brayden Braydon Brenda Brendan Brianda Brinda Casandra Cassandra Cassondra Chandler Chandra Clarinda Conard Conrad Courtland Damarion Dandre Daren Darian Dariana Darien Darin Darion Darleen Darlene Darline Darlyne Darnell Daron Darren Darrian Darrien Darrin Darrion Darron Darryn Darvin Darwin Darwyn Daryn Dayanara Deandra Deandre Demarion Deyanira Diandra Dorian Dorinda Dorman Draven Erland Erlinda Evander Ferdinand Fernand Fernanda Fernando Gardner Garland Gearldine Geraldine Glendora Graydon Hansford Harden Hardin Harding Harland Herlinda Ireland Iridian Jeraldine Jordan Kasandra Kassandra Keandre Kendra Kennard Kindra Lakendra Leander Leandra Leandro Lenard Leonard Leonardo Lisandro Lorinda Manford Maranda Marinda Marland Maynard Meranda Miranda Myranda Nedra Nereida Normand Orland Orlando Pandora Rand Randal Randall Randel Randell Randi Randle Randolf Randolph Randy Raymond Raymundo Raynard Reginald Reinaldo Renada Renaldo Renard Reynaldo Rhonda Rinda Roland Rolanda Rolando Rolland Ronald Ronaldo Ronda Rondal Rosalind Rosalinda Rosamond Rowland Ryland Sanders Sandra Sanford Saundra Shandra Sharonda Sheridan Sondra Stanford Trinidad Vander Viridiana Xander Zander Zandra

Males Named "Andra" by Year

About these figures.


Females Named "Andra" by Year

About these figures.

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