Peaked in 1955 Male

1. Steven (#10 in 1955)2. Randall (#53 in 1955)3. Kim (#97 in 1955)4. Rocky (#240 in 1955)5. Joesph (#418 in 1955)6. Leigh (#653 in 1955)7. Kimberly (#551 in 1955)8. Carnell (#764 in 1955)9. Deborah (#729 in 1955)10. Davy (#524 in 1955)11. Rudolfo (#870 in 1955)

Peaked in 1955 Female

1. Deborah (#2 in 1955)2. Diane (#14 in 1955)3. Denise (#23 in 1955)4. Connie (#35 in 1955)5. Vickie (#68 in 1955)6. Terry (#83 in 1955)7. Lee (#182 in 1955)8. Marla (#193 in 1955)9. Mitzi (#430 in 1955)10. Suzan (#398 in 1955)11. Dinah (#486 in 1955)12. Roxann (#429 in 1955)13. Bonny (#594 in 1955)14. Terese (#571 in 1955)15. Debbra (#566 in 1955)16. Cheryll (#746 in 1955)17. Roni (#536 in 1955)18. Sherree (#820 in 1955)19. Sheilah (#665 in 1955)20. Jeryl (#770 in 1955)21. Debroah (#898 in 1955)22. Melodee (#994 in 1955)23. Sheryll (#996 in 1955)
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