
Population Statistics for Aleta

Aleta is represented in the Top 1000 exclusively as a girls' name.
Total* Population in Top 1000: 3121 (0.00% male, 100.00% female) [source]

Popularity of the name Aleta for Boys


Popularity of the name Aleta for Girls

First Year in the Top 1000: 1945
Last Year in the Top 1000: 1966
Average Age: 69.61
Highest Percentage: 0.016% in 1947
Best Rank: #511 (in 1947)
Represented in the Top 1000 names in: 20 of 127 years (15.75%)
Total* Female Population in Top 1000: 3121

Percentage Of Babies Named Aleta

Note: Only names in the Top 1000 for each year are represented. [source] Values are normalized for boys and girls to compare trends (vertical scales differ for boys and girls).
Line chart

Age Distribution of Aleta

About these totals.

Female Population under 60: 377 (12.08%)
Female Population under 50: 0 (0.00%)
Female Population under 40: 0 (0.00%)
Female Population under 30: 0 (0.00%)
Female Population under 20: 0 (0.00%)

Names Similar to Aleta

Similar Male Names

— None. —

Fairly Similar Male Names

Aldo Alta Alto

Roughly Similar Male Names

Aldo Alta Alto

Loosely Similar Male Names

Alta Alto Alton Belton Carleton Carlton Cletus Coleton Colt Colten Colter Colton Dalton Daulton Delton Eliot Elliot Elliott Elton Felton Fleet Fletcher Fulton Hamilton Hilton Kelton Kolton Little Littleton Lott Lute Melton Milton Roosevelt Rosevelt Shelton Walt Walter Walton Welton Wilton

Similar Female Names


Fairly Similar Female Names

Alda Alida Alta Altie

Roughly Similar Female Names

Alda Aletha Alethea Alida Alta Altha Althea Altie

Loosely Similar Female Names

Alta Altie Angelita Arletta Carlota Carlotta Carmelita Charolette Cleta Clotilda Clotilde Coletta Colette Collette Delta Elta Fleeta Fleta Jolette Juliet Juliette Latanya Latarsha Latasha Latesha Latifah Latisha Latonia Latonya Latoria Latosha Latoya Latoyia Leota Leta Leticia Letitia Letta Lettie Letty Lita Littie Litzy Lolita Lota Lotta Lottie Louetta Luetta Lutie Manuelita Nicolette Oleta Pauletta Paulette Scarlet Scarlett Violet Violeta Violetta Violette Walter Yamilet

Anagrams of "Aleta"

— None. —

Names Using All Letters of, and Only Letters in "Aleta"

Elta Leta Letta Teela Tella

Names Using Only Letters In "Aleta"

Al Ala Alla Alta Ela Ell Ella Elle Elta Etta Lala Lalla Le Lea Leala Lee Lela Lella Leta Letta Tal Tate Tea Teela Tella

Names Using All Letters In "Aleta"

Adalberto Adelbert Albert Alberta Albertha Albertina Albertine Alberto Albertus Aletha Alethea Almeta Althea Altie Alverta Anatole Angelita Arleth Arletta Artelia Bartholomew Bartley Brantley Carleton Carmelita Cathleen Celesta Celestia Chantel Chantelle Charlotte Charlottie Charolette Claudette Clementina Cleta Coletta Delta Eathel Elberta Electa Elisabeth Elizabet Elizabeth Elta Estela Estella Estrella Felicitas Fitzgerald Fleeta Fleta Floretta Gladstone Halbert Hartley Hartwell Katelin Katelyn Katelynn Kathaleen Kathleen Kathlene Lafayette Lambert Lamonte Lanette Latesha Latrell Latrice Lauretta Laurette Leatha Leatrice Leitha Leota Lesta Leta Letha Lethia Leticia Letitia Letta Lizabeth Loretta Louetta Luberta Lucetta Lucretia Luetta Manuelita Martell Mathilde Matilde Natalee Natalie Nathalie Nathanael Nathaniel Oleta Otelia Pauletta Paulette Pleasant Salvatore Scarlet Scarlett Shantel Shantell Stanley Stella Stonewall Talen Tallie Talmadge Talmage Tamela Tangela Tayler Teela Tella Thekla Thelma Theola Valentin Valentina Valentine Valentino Violeta Violetta Walter Yamilet

Males Named "Aleta" by Year

— None. —

Females Named "Aleta" by Year

About these figures.

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