
Population Statistics for Alba

Alba is mostly a girls' name, but it is used for boys 1.10 percent of the time.
Total* Population in Top 1000: 635 (1.10% male, 98.90% female) [source]

Popularity of the name Alba for Boys

First Year in the Top 1000: 1892
Last Year in the Top 1000: 1892
Average Age: 132.00
Highest Percentage: 0.006% in 1892
Best Rank: #861 (in 1892)
Represented in the Top 1000 names in: 1 of 127 years (0.79%)
Total* Male Population in Top 1000: 7

Popularity of the name Alba for Girls

First Year in the Top 1000: 1880 (earliest year for which we have data)
Last Year in the Top 1000: 1923
Average Age: 109.53
Highest Percentage: 0.008% in 1915
Best Rank: #740 (in 1880)
Represented in the Top 1000 names in: 18 of 127 years (14.17%)
Total* Female Population in Top 1000: 628

Percentage Of Babies Named Alba

Note: Only names in the Top 1000 for each year are represented. [source] Values are normalized for boys and girls to compare trends (vertical scales differ for boys and girls).
Line chart

Age Distribution of Alba

About these totals.

Male Population under 60: 0 (0.00%)
Male Population under 50: 0 (0.00%)
Male Population under 40: 0 (0.00%)
Male Population under 30: 0 (0.00%)
Male Population under 20: 0 (0.00%)
Male Population under 10: 0 (0.00%)
Female Population under 60: 0 (0.00%)
Female Population under 50: 0 (0.00%)
Female Population under 40: 0 (0.00%)
Female Population under 30: 0 (0.00%)
Female Population under 20: 0 (0.00%)

Names Similar to Alba

Similar Male Names

Alby Elby

Fairly Similar Male Names


Roughly Similar Male Names

Alby Alf Alfie Alpha Alva Alvah Alvia Alvie Alvy

Loosely Similar Male Names

Adalberto Adelbert Albert Alberto Albertus Albin Albion Alby Caleb Clabe Claiborne Colbert Colby Delbert Elbert Elby Ethelbert Gilbert Gilberto Gottlieb Halbert Hilbert Kaleb Kelby Kolby Lilburn Melbourne Milburn Shelby Tolbert Wilber Wilbert Wilbur Wilburn

Similar Female Names


Fairly Similar Female Names

— None. —

Roughly Similar Female Names

Alivia Alpha Alva

Loosely Similar Female Names

Alabama Albert Alberta Albertha Albertina Albertine Albina Elba Elberta Libbie Libby Liberty Luberta Melba Shelba Shelbi Shelbie Shelby Trilby

Anagrams of "Alba"

— None. —

Names Using All Letters of, and Only Letters in "Alba"

— None. —

Names Using Only Letters In "Alba"

Ab Abb Al Ala Alla Lala Lalla

Names Using All Letters In "Alba"

Abagail Abbigail Abdul Abdullah Abel Abelardo Abigail Abigale Abigayle Abril Adalberto Adelbert Alabama Albert Alberta Albertha Albertina Albertine Alberto Albertus Albin Albina Albion Alby Amberly Anabel Anabelle Anibal Annabel Annabell Annabella Annabelle Arabella Archibald Bailee Bailey Baldwin Ballard Bartholomew Bartley Basil Baylee Baylie Beaulah Belia Belinda Bella Belva Beula Beulah Bilal Birdella Blain Blaine Blair Blaise Blake Blanca Blanch Blanchard Blanche Blanchie Blane Blas Blaze Bradley Bradly Braelyn Brantley Braulio Braylen Braylon Buelah Bula Bulah Caleb Campbell Clabe Claiborne Clarabelle Claribel Columbia Cristobal Elba Elberta Elisabeth Elizabet Elizabeth Fabiola Gabriel Gabriela Gabriella Gabrielle Halbert Idabelle Isabel Isabela Isabell Isabella Isabelle Izabella Izabelle Kaleb Kimball Lambert Lizabeth Luberta Mabel Mabell Mabelle Mable Maebell Maebelle Maribel Marybelle Maybell Maybelle Melba Osbaldo Pablo Rosabelle Sable Shelba Sybilla

Males Named "Alba" by Year

About these figures.


Females Named "Alba" by Year

About these figures.

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