
Population Statistics for Ermine

Ermine is represented in the Top 1000 exclusively as a girls' name.
Total* Population in Top 1000: 6 (0.00% male, 100.00% female) [source]

Popularity of the name Ermine for Boys


Popularity of the name Ermine for Girls

First Year in the Top 1000: 1883
Last Year in the Top 1000: 1883
Average Age: 141.00
Highest Percentage: 0.005% in 1883
Best Rank: #851 (in 1883)
Represented in the Top 1000 names in: 1 of 127 years (0.79%)
Total* Female Population in Top 1000: 6

Percentage Of Babies Named Ermine

Note: Only names in the Top 1000 for each year are represented. [source] Values are normalized for boys and girls to compare trends (vertical scales differ for boys and girls).
Line chart

Age Distribution of Ermine

About these totals.

Female Population under 60: 0 (0.00%)
Female Population under 50: 0 (0.00%)
Female Population under 40: 0 (0.00%)
Female Population under 30: 0 (0.00%)
Female Population under 20: 0 (0.00%)

Names Similar to Ermine

Similar Male Names

Arman Armin

Fairly Similar Male Names

— None. —

Roughly Similar Male Names

— None. —

Loosely Similar Male Names

Arman Armand Armando Armani Armin Armond Carmen Carmine Dorman Ferman Firman Freeman Fremont Furman Germaine German Harman Harmon Herman Hermann Hermon Jermain Jermaine Norman Normand Ramon Remington Roman Sherman Therman Thurman

Similar Female Names

— None. —

Fairly Similar Female Names


Roughly Similar Female Names


Loosely Similar Female Names

Araminta Armani Arminda Arminta Carmen Charmaine Ermina Germaine Harmony Hermina Hermine Herminia Norman Ramona Romaine Romona Sharman

Anagrams of "Ermine"

— None. —

Names Using All Letters of, and Only Letters in "Ermine"


Names Using Only Letters In "Ermine"

Emmer Emmie Erie Erin Ernie Irene Irine Merri Merrie Mimi Miner Minnie Nim Ninnie Rene Renee Rennie

Names Using All Letters In "Ermine"

Annamarie Annemarie Annmarie Carmine Charmaine Demarion Ermina Germaine Hermina Hermine Herminia Jeanmarie Jermain Jermaine Manervia Marcelina Marceline Marcelino Marianne Marnie Martine Maurine Merilyn Merlin Mervin Merwin Miner Minerva Minervia Remington Romaine Tremaine Trumaine

Males Named "Ermine" by Year

— None. —

Females Named "Ermine" by Year

About these figures.

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