
Population Statistics for Harl

Harl is represented in the Top 1000 exclusively as a boys' name.
Total* Population in Top 1000: 11 (100.00% male, 0.00% female) [source]

Popularity of the name Harl for Boys

First Year in the Top 1000: 1880 (earliest year for which we have data)
Last Year in the Top 1000: 1897
Average Age: 134.73
Highest Percentage: 0.005% in 1897
Best Rank: #970 (in 1880)
Represented in the Top 1000 names in: 2 of 127 years (1.57%)
Total* Male Population in Top 1000: 11

Popularity of the name Harl for Girls


Percentage Of Babies Named Harl

Note: Only names in the Top 1000 for each year are represented. [source] Values are normalized for boys and girls to compare trends (vertical scales differ for boys and girls).
Line chart

Age Distribution of Harl

About these totals.

Male Population under 60: 0 (0.00%)
Male Population under 50: 0 (0.00%)
Male Population under 40: 0 (0.00%)
Male Population under 30: 0 (0.00%)
Male Population under 20: 0 (0.00%)
Male Population under 10: 0 (0.00%)

Names Similar to Harl

Similar Male Names

— None. —

Fairly Similar Male Names

Harley Harlie Harlow Harrell Hurley

Roughly Similar Male Names

Harley Harlie Harlow Harrell Hurley

Loosely Similar Male Names

Harlan Harland Harlen Harley Harlie Harlon Harlow Harold Harrell Harrold Hurley

Similar Female Names

— None. —

Fairly Similar Female Names


Roughly Similar Female Names


Loosely Similar Female Names

Harlene Harley Harold Herlinda

Anagrams of "Harl"

— None. —

Names Using All Letters of, and Only Letters in "Harl"

— None. —

Names Using Only Letters In "Harl"

Ah Al Ala Alla Ara Arah Arla Arra Hal Hall Lala Lalla Lara

Names Using All Letters In "Harl"

Albertha Archibald Arleth Bartholomew Blanchard Chalmer Chalmers Chandler Charla Charle Charlee Charleen Charlene Charles Charley Charlie Charline Charlize Charlotta Charlotte Charlottie Charls Charlsie Charlton Charly Charolette Christal Chrystal Halbert Harlan Harland Harlen Harlene Harley Harlie Harlon Harlow Harold Harrell Harrold Hartley Hartwell Herlinda Hilario Hilary Hildegard Hildegarde Hillard Hillary Hilliard Hjalmar Hjalmer Latarsha Marchello Marshal Marshall Rachael Racheal Rachel Rachelle Rahul Raleigh Ralph Randolph Raphael Sharla Sharleen Sharlene Sharyl Shirleyann Thorwald

Males Named "Harl" by Year

About these figures.


Females Named "Harl" by Year

— None. —
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