
Population Statistics for Rustin

Rustin is represented in the Top 1000 exclusively as a boys' name.
Total* Population in Top 1000: 173 (100.00% male, 0.00% female) [source]

Popularity of the name Rustin for Boys

First Year in the Top 1000: 1979
Last Year in the Top 1000: 1980
Average Age: 44.50
Highest Percentage: 0.005% in 1979
Best Rank: #948 (in 1979)
Represented in the Top 1000 names in: 2 of 127 years (1.57%)
Total* Male Population in Top 1000: 173

Popularity of the name Rustin for Girls


Percentage Of Babies Named Rustin

Note: Only names in the Top 1000 for each year are represented. [source] Values are normalized for boys and girls to compare trends (vertical scales differ for boys and girls).
Line chart

Age Distribution of Rustin

About these totals.

Male Population under 60: 173 (100.00%)
Male Population under 50: 173 (100.00%)
Male Population under 40: 0 (0.00%)
Male Population under 30: 0 (0.00%)
Male Population under 20: 0 (0.00%)
Male Population under 10: 0 (0.00%)

Names Similar to Rustin

Similar Male Names

— None. —

Fairly Similar Male Names

— None. —

Roughly Similar Male Names

— None. —

Loosely Similar Male Names

Christian Christina Christion Kristen Kristian Kristin Preston Thurston

Similar Female Names

— None. —

Fairly Similar Female Names

— None. —

Roughly Similar Female Names

— None. —

Loosely Similar Female Names

Christeen Christen Christena Christene Christian Christiana Christin Christina Christine Kiersten Kirsten Kirstin Kristan Kristen Kristian Kristin Kristina Kristine Kristyn

Anagrams of "Rustin"

— None. —

Names Using All Letters of, and Only Letters in "Rustin"

— None. —

Names Using Only Letters In "Rustin"

Iris Isis Russ Titus Tristin

Names Using All Letters In "Rustin"

— None. —

Males Named "Rustin" by Year

About these figures.


Females Named "Rustin" by Year

— None. —
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