The first year the name was in the Top 1000 names was 1934. That means it is somewhat unlikely to find someone older than 90 with the name.

First Year in Top 1000 was 1934 Male

1. Kerry (debut #979, peak #158 in 1960)2. Ron (debut #766, peak #166 in 1959)3. Lanny (debut #610, peak #301 in 1941)4. Jerrell (debut #915, peak #608 in 1986)5. Valentin (debut #942, peak #811 in 1981)6. Gaylon (debut #993, peak #675 in 1940)7. Vernell (debut #999, peak #858 in 1949)8. Arlyn (debut #861, peak #738 in 1939)9. Jerrel (debut #995, peak #973 in 1940)10. Marland (debut #842, peak #842 in 1934)

First Year in Top 1000 was 1934 Female

1. Debra (debut #966, peak #2 in 1956)2. Vicki (debut #954, peak #50 in 1954)3. Alison (debut #974, peak #96 in 1986)4. Gale (debut #757, peak #246 in 1957)5. Saundra (debut #814, peak #238 in 1942)6. Sharron (debut #988, peak #226 in 1943)7. Luann (debut #881, peak #192 in 1954)8. Luanne (debut #806, peak #349 in 1953)9. Karol (debut #960, peak #492 in 1944)10. Sherrill (debut #953, peak #448 in 1944)11. Shirlene (debut #926, peak #520 in 1936)12. Louann (debut #963, peak #518 in 1953)13. Nancie (debut #922, peak #820 in 1953)14. Marylee (debut #982, peak #763 in 1941)15. Ronald (debut #892, peak #860 in 1946)16. Pearlene (debut #891, peak #886 in 1938)17. Marcelina (debut #944, peak #944 in 1934)
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