The first year the name was in the Top 1000 names was 1931. That means it is somewhat unlikely to find someone older than 93 with the name.

First Year in Top 1000 was 1931 Male

1. Jan (debut #930, peak #248 in 1944)2. Monty (debut #889, peak #339 in 1961)3. Kenton (debut #963, peak #588 in 1954)4. Raymundo (debut #990, peak #676 in 1994)5. Dickie (debut #915, peak #484 in 1947)6. Allyn (debut #837, peak #780 in 1942)7. Sherrill (debut #978, peak #689 in 1936)8. Arlis (debut #923, peak #923 in 1931)9. Kaye (debut #949, peak #804 in 1932)10. Darl (debut #996, peak #996 in 1931)

First Year in Top 1000 was 1931 Female

1. Cheryl (debut #985, peak #13 in 1958)2. Marsha (debut #908, peak #68 in 1950)3. Lynne (debut #939, peak #144 in 1951)4. Janelle (debut #963, peak #186 in 1978)5. Jacklyn (debut #1000, peak #455 in 1987)6. Rosanne (debut #958, peak #303 in 1953)7. Mariann (debut #940, peak #523 in 1957)8. Rosita (debut #990, peak #784 in 1935)9. Joetta (debut #946, peak #863 in 1938)10. Merilyn (debut #979, peak #818 in 1932)11. Verlene (debut #920, peak #889 in 1939)12. Joretta (debut #465, peak #465 in 1931)13. Gerald (debut #929, peak #929 in 1931)14. Ardyce (debut #968, peak #921 in 1936)15. Belia (debut #962, peak #962 in 1931)
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