Peaked in 1908 Male

1. Pete (#173 in 1908)2. Johnie (#141 in 1908)3. Hollis (#292 in 1908)4. Palmer (#386 in 1908)5. Francesco (#760 in 1908)6. Artis (#555 in 1908)7. Haskell (#433 in 1908)8. Milburn (#573 in 1908)9. Olan (#733 in 1908)10. Farris (#667 in 1908)11. Huston (#620 in 1908)12. Marie (#572 in 1908)13. Leighton (#856 in 1908)14. Taft (#273 in 1908)15. Florentino (#974 in 1908)16. Osie (#735 in 1908)17. Starling (#774 in 1908)18. Hadley (#691 in 1908)19. Linnie (#924 in 1908)20. Robley (#816 in 1908)21. Eleanor (#966 in 1908)22. Esker (#970 in 1908)23. Levie (#992 in 1908)

Peaked in 1908 Female

1. Viola (#42 in 1908)2. Eunice (#106 in 1908)3. Eula (#122 in 1908)4. Lucile (#115 in 1908)5. Odessa (#278 in 1908)6. Theodora (#505 in 1908)7. Maxie (#553 in 1908)8. Violette (#591 in 1908)9. Exie (#570 in 1908)10. Veta (#789 in 1908)11. Edrie (#577 in 1908)12. Izola (#800 in 1908)13. Bea (#832 in 1908)14. Floretta (#953 in 1908)15. Arnetta (#914 in 1908)16. Clementina (#971 in 1908)17. Launa (#985 in 1908)
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