The first year the name was in the Top 1000 names was 1958. That means it is somewhat unlikely to find someone older than 66 with the name.

First Year in Top 1000 was 1958 Male

1. Kristopher (debut #827, peak #104 in 1978)2. Keenan (debut #937, peak #354 in 1997)3. Jamey (debut #993, peak #369 in 1976)4. Maverick (debut #794, peak #605 in 2006)5. Tobin (debut #815, peak #720 in 1971)6. Reinaldo (debut #987, peak #809 in 1963)7. Wayde (debut #622, peak #495 in 1959)8. Diane (debut #966, peak #966 in 1958)9. Cheryl (debut #977, peak #977 in 1958)

First Year in Top 1000 was 1958 Female

1. Alyson (debut #993, peak #345 in 1987)2. Bridgette (debut #701, peak #355 in 1973)3. Karrie (debut #953, peak #409 in 1977)4. Brigitte (debut #773, peak #550 in 1960)5. Kandi (debut #1000, peak #740 in 1970)6. Missy (debut #913, peak #541 in 1967)7. Tresa (debut #998, peak #679 in 1966)8. Gigi (debut #929, peak #609 in 1962)9. Tamie (debut #708, peak #579 in 1959)10. Mark (debut #971, peak #804 in 1968)11. Suzy (debut #777, peak #686 in 1962)12. Lissa (debut #959, peak #957 in 1963)13. Bev (debut #985, peak #930 in 1959)14. Tambra (debut #915, peak #915 in 1958)15. Perri (debut #949, peak #949 in 1958)16. Lanita (debut #967, peak #967 in 1958)17. Val (debut #992, peak #992 in 1958)
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