The first year the name was in the Top 1000 names was 1982. That means it is somewhat unlikely to find someone older than 42 with the name.

First Year in Top 1000 was 1982 Male

1. Colton (debut #803, peak #105 in 1995)2. Mohamed (debut #909, peak #448 in 2001)3. Darrius (debut #927, peak #543 in 1989)4. Colt (debut #459, peak #444 in 1983)5. Eliezer (debut #829, peak #829 in 1982)6. Kiel (debut #623, peak #507 in 1983)7. Justine (debut #988, peak #752 in 1988)8. Long (debut #978, peak #824 in 1988)9. Lamarcus (debut #983, peak #942 in 1984)10. Tuan (debut #937, peak #937 in 1982)11. Hung (debut #957, peak #957 in 1982)12. Huy (debut #997, peak #997 in 1982)

First Year in Top 1000 was 1982 Female

1. Hailey (debut #893, peak #24 in 2004)2. Arianna (debut #995, peak #77 in 2006)3. Chelsey (debut #567, peak #116 in 1992)4. Ciara (debut #868, peak #150 in 2005)5. Arielle (debut #929, peak #183 in 1991)6. Emilee (debut #824, peak #303 in 2003)7. Kali (debut #919, peak #332 in 1996)8. Carley (debut #986, peak #376 in 1996)9. Chelsie (debut #936, peak #227 in 1992)10. Shaina (debut #841, peak #320 in 1987)11. Ashly (debut #930, peak #435 in 1987)12. Shakira (debut #862, peak #538 in 2002)13. Kala (debut #764, peak #463 in 1989)14. Krysta (debut #980, peak #566 in 1993)15. Kassie (debut #801, peak #641 in 1987)16. Tristan (debut #976, peak #591 in 1996)17. Cassondra (debut #837, peak #655 in 1989)18. Tabetha (debut #974, peak #786 in 1984)19. Tawny (debut #922, peak #860 in 1989)20. Kaleena (debut #662, peak #545 in 1983)21. Shena (debut #912, peak #805 in 1984)22. Falon (debut #914, peak #842 in 1983)23. Sharita (debut #963, peak #919 in 1984)24. Jenilee (debut #820, peak #820 in 1982)25. Tenika (debut #956, peak #956 in 1982)26. Cristen (debut #970, peak #970 in 1982)
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