The first year the name was in the Top 1000 names was 1927. That means it is somewhat unlikely to find someone older than 97 with the name.

First Year in Top 1000 was 1927 Male

1. Jorge (debut #897, peak #107 in 1993)2. Gonzalo (debut #885, peak #694 in 2000)3. Jerrold (debut #931, peak #385 in 1954)4. Marcelino (debut #998, peak #832 in 1929)5. Maria (debut #983, peak #826 in 1982)6. Lindy (debut #388, peak #388 in 1927)7. Valentino (debut #686, peak #686 in 1927)8. Lindbergh (debut #578, peak #578 in 1927)9. Shoji (debut #725, peak #725 in 1927)10. Akira (debut #921, peak #921 in 1927)

First Year in Top 1000 was 1927 Female

1. Jocelyn (debut #951, peak #73 in 2006)2. Sonya (debut #902, peak #114 in 1967)3. Raquel (debut #909, peak #215 in 1970)4. Cherie (debut #863, peak #273 in 1967)5. Charmaine (debut #850, peak #331 in 1952)6. Lawanda (debut #848, peak #366 in 1977)7. Valencia (debut #933, peak #632 in 1970)8. Marilou (debut #813, peak #776 in 1933)9. Earlean (debut #994, peak #730 in 1932)10. Lita (debut #698, peak #698 in 1927)11. Joye (debut #967, peak #770 in 1932)12. Lidia (debut #978, peak #794 in 1937)13. Hortensia (debut #929, peak #912 in 1928)14. Ralph (debut #983, peak #941 in 1929)15. Kazuko (debut #952, peak #952 in 1927)
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