The first year the name was in the Top 1000 names was 1920. That means it is somewhat unlikely to find someone older than 104 with the name.

First Year in Top 1000 was 1920 Male

1. Jon (debut #976, peak #65 in 1968)2. Daryl (debut #967, peak #161 in 1970)3. Dewayne (debut #996, peak #303 in 1962)4. Kennith (debut #932, peak #420 in 1940)5. Eloy (debut #951, peak #692 in 1946)6. Rayburn (debut #981, peak #628 in 1938)7. Harding (debut #395, peak #390 in 1921)8. Minoru (debut #980, peak #980 in 1920)

First Year in Top 1000 was 1920 Female

1. Marlene (debut #974, peak #39 in 1935)2. Merry (debut #935, peak #457 in 1948)3. Mickey (debut #890, peak #547 in 1948)4. Shirlee (debut #891, peak #348 in 1935)5. Gearldine (debut #874, peak #492 in 1935)6. Billy (debut #988, peak #525 in 1930)7. Ardelle (debut #987, peak #878 in 1925)8. Clarine (debut #943, peak #916 in 1923)9. Lorayne (debut #951, peak #922 in 1922)
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